Jurors Find Apple Not Liable for Antitrust Violations in Class-Action iPod Lawsuit

Apple Not Liable

After nearly a decade of litigation, it took a panel of eight jurors just several hours to find Apple, Inc. not liable for antitrust violations. The violations relate to iTunes version 7.0. The violations allegedly restricted competition in the digital music space. The seemingly endless legal battle involved a class of over 8 million consumers. […]

CTA Faces Possible Class Action Suit on Behalf of Unhappy Ventra Card Holder

Litigation Attorney Chicago

Amidst several reports of problems related to the new CTA card system, Ventra, one transit rider has decided to take legal action. James Kenger filed a lawsuit last week requesting class action status for all CTA riders who possess a Ventra card linked to their bank account. While many of the reports describe issues related […]

Syngenta Settles Class Action Lawsuit

class action lawsuit

Syngenta AG, a Swiss chemical maker, payed $105 million to settle a class action lawsuit. The company’s weed-killing product contaminated U.S. water supplies with the chemical Atrazine. The lawsuit has been ongoing for eight years . It affected 1,887 community water systems serving more than 52 million Americans. While the manufacturers deny that the herbicide […]